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Blog Reader Spotlight: Sybil A. Believes She’ll Become a BIG PCH Winner!

Blog Reader Spotlight: Sybil A. Believes She’ll Become a BIG PCH Winner!

Greetings, fans and friends, and welcome to another motivational Blog Reader Spotlight! Today we feature a PCH fan who’s keeping the faith that someday she’ll become a big-time PCH winner – Sibyl A.! Recently, Sibyl commented on one of our “Motivational Monday” blogs with what she calls her “key to believing” she could win: “Keep believing, stay […]

Blog Reader Spotlight: Charlie K. Has BIG Dreams to Win a PCH Prize!

Blog Reader Spotlight: Charlie K. Has BIG Dreams to Win a PCH Prize!

Greetings, fans and friends, and welcome to another fascinating Blog Reader Spotlight! Today we feature a PCH fan who clearly wants to win and will keep on entering the PCH Sweeps until he does – Charlie K.! Recently, Charlie commented on the PCH Blog with these inspirational words: “I haven’t won any money yet but […]

Blog Reader Spotlight: Melissa S. Loves to Enter the PCH Sweeps!

Blog Reader Spotlight: Melissa S. Loves to Enter the PCH Sweeps!

Greetings, and welcome to another exciting Blog Reader Spotlight! Today we feature a true PCH fan and friend who loves to enter the PCH Sweeps and really enjoys reading the blog – drumroll, please! – Melissa S.! Recently, here on the PCH Blog, Melissa, who lives in Washington State, commented on 15 reasons she’d like to […]

Blog Reader Spotlight: Kimberly G. Says “Stay Persistent, Positive and Patient”!

Blog Reader Spotlight: Kimberly G. Says “Stay Persistent, Positive and Patient”!

We have so many wonderful fans, it’s always difficult to choose a blog reader to spotlight every month. But if you regularly read and comment on the PCHblog, you’re probably familiar with Kimberly G., who provides support and encouragement through her many, many uplifting comments. “I enter every day at every opportunity I am offered,” says […]