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PCH Big Check Asks:  Will Next Friday Be Your Lucky Day?

PCH Big Check Asks: Will Next Friday Be Your Lucky Day?

Hey Blog Readers – it’s your pal, Lucky, the PCH Big Check and I hope you’re as excited as I am that we’re JUST ONE WEEK AWAY from our $1,000.00 A Day For Life Special Early Look Prize Event! That’s right – next Friday is Prize Day and I’m going to be at our Winner’s […]

Motivational Monday: You’ve Got To Try Your Luck At Least Once A Day

Motivational Monday: You’ve Got To Try Your Luck At Least Once A Day

Happy Motivational Monday PCH fans! How many times throughout your life have you heard the saying “today might be your lucky day. Give it a try.” Growing up I remember hearing that phrase over and over again from my parents, especially when it came to sports. One year, after not getting chosen as captain for […]