Okay, the worried young couple in this awesome video are actors — but our incredible $75,000 Eliminate Debt Sweepstakes is VERY real — take a look: [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQYC75x4Xz4&feature=youtu.be&w=480&h=480] Entering and winning this big $75,000 contest could “wipe the slate clean“ of bills you have to pay —with money left over for you to enjoy. In […]
Got Bills? If you’re our August 31st winner, you won’t for much longer! That’s right, Publishers Clearing House will be taking a “special early look” for a SuperPrize winner very soon. If a matching winning number is timely returned, the Prize Patrol will award our incredible top prize of $5,000 A Week “Forever”. If it’s […]