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The Month Is Almost Over. How Are Your News Year’s Resolutions Going?

The Month Is Almost Over. How Are Your News Year’s Resolutions Going?

Yep, it’s almost February … time for a progress check! Just for fun, I’ve prepared a little quiz, with some of the most common New Year’s resolutions folks make on January 1st. ANSWER “YES” OR “NO” TO HOW YOUR RESOLUTIONS ARE GOING SO FAR: MAKE SURE THAT YOU ANSWER THIS ONE: How’d you do?  Look: […]

It’s A PCH “Forever” Prize Warm Up With Lucky The Big Check!

It’s A PCH “Forever” Prize Warm Up With Lucky The Big Check!

Blog Readers! Blog Readers! Can you believe it’s happening already?!?  Our next BIG, PCH “Forever” Prize Award is JUST ONE WEEK AWAY! I am just so excited, I can’t relax my zeros!  And I’ve been getting EVERYTHING ready… the gold on my seal has been touched up… my ink has been reapplied… I’ve even been […]

Lucky, The Big Check Says: “Tomorrow is PCH Forever Prize Day!”

That’s ME with the PCH Prize Patrol! Will your name be on my Big Check chest? As they say in Hollywood, dear friends, “I’m ready for my close-up!” Lucky Windfall, the fabulous yet humble PCH Big Check here to say that I’m so excited, I’m ready to bust my cardboard! Because tomorrow, August 29th, is […]

The PCH “Forever” Prize Is Back — And It’s GUARANTEED!

Hi PCH Fans! First off, I would like to take this time to congratulate Sherry Seltman, of Gilman City, MO for being the winner of our June 30th $1,000,000.00 Prize! This is such a great achievement, and I hope she is as happy to receive this prize as we are to give it! I wonder how […]