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What Else Would You Like to See on the PCH Blog?

What Else Would You Like to See on the PCH Blog?

Hey there, friends and fans! Did you know that you’re one of the best parts of my job? Between seeing the incredible Winning Moments and reading your super enthusiastic comments on the PCH Blog, it’s so rewarding to see our incredible fans like you in action! Since we’ve got an abundance of highly engaged fans, […]

Insider News: An All New PCHblog Is Coming In Just Days!

Hey Blog Readers, Since we’ve started the PCHblog, the PCHplay&win blog and the PCHSearch&Win blog  we’ve heard so many great things from you fans out there… and we’ve been paying attention! You’ve told us that you really want to win – and that you read the blog to get in on all of the action… You’ve […]

Stay Updated With The Prize Patrol AND Win PCHBlog Prizes!

Don’t be left in the dark!  Follow the trail of the PCH Prize Patrol with up-to-the-minute postings on the PCHBlog & Facebook on Award Day! We’re about to begin a very special day here at PCH and there’s nothing more exciting than sharing all the excitement with our biggest fans! That’s right…tomorrow, April 30th, is […]

382 Channel – The Home of Big Checks, Sweepstakes and Cash Prizes

382 Channel – The Home of Big Checks, Sweepstakes and Cash Prizes Many people wonder what it’s like to work here at Publishers Clearing House. Of course there are tons of perks from surprising our PCH sweepstakes winners with Big Checks, to the Freebie Fridays, to the simple fact that our company holds a special […]

It All Started With A Texas Prize Winner

In August of 2008, we launched the PCHBlog with our first official article titled “Another Texas State Winner” that chronicled one of our Texas prize winners. That was about a year and a half ago and since then Deborah, Dave and a few other PCHers have been writing multiple weekly blog posts telling you about […]