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Shopping Online With PCH: Shrink that Gas Bill with Smart Buying

It’s safe to say that over the past few months we’ve all experienced first-hand how unreasonably high gas prices have been—after all, in some parts of the U.S., the price of gas has gone up to nearly $4.50 a gallon. As many of you may remember, we recently asked PCH fans via the Fan page […]

Behind The Scenes at PCH Headquarters – PCH Pep!

Being a member of the PCH Prize Patrol Elite team gives me the unique opportunity to share my experiences on the road through the PCH Blog and my PCH Facebook page.  On the day of the big PCH Sweepstakes giveaway, I make sure to post clues about where in the country we are and then […]

PCH Presents a “Triple Play” of SuperFun News!

Great things are happening at PCH! So without further delay here’s the scoop… 1. PCH is “Taking Over AOL!” Well, we’re not buying them out or anything like that. We’re launching our most innovative online partnership to date. And, I’m so thrilled that every one of you has a chance to be part of this! […]