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PCH Big Check Asks: Who Wants To Meet Me?

PCH Big Check

Hey Blog Readers,

It’s your pal, Lucky Windfall, the PCH Big Check!  Our big Prize Event is coming up in just days — and I really need your help!

You see, the days before our Prize Event always gives me butterflies on my payline!  I get so nervous just thinking about who our winner is — and whether that person wants to meet me — that it makes it hard to do things I enjoy most, like eating my favorite Cash-a-roll or relaxing in the comfort of my own safety deposit box!

I want to look and feel my best for our August 31st winner – not look like a shriveled coupon with bags under my zeros!  So, please fans, help ease my mind and tell me below if you want to meet me on August 31st!

The more support I get, the more confident I can be that our winner is someone who really wants to invite me into their home.  And hearing from you will help me imagine our winner as someone who wouldn’t turn me away or try to fold me and put me in the ATM machine (I hate that!).

Being loved by our winners means everything to me – because I love them SO much – so you can imagine how the anticipation could keep a check’s corners on edge.  I even tried counting routing numbers over and over to try to get some sleep, but with all the excitement keeping me up late, I had no choice but to go talk to a Bank Teller! She told me that to release my stress, I should visualize what I like best about our Winners and ask you fans if you’d really want to meet me. So here I am, asking you to please, tell me…

Who Wants To Meet Me On August 31st?

Comment below and please help settle my signature line!  Let me know if you’d welcome me, Lucky the PCH Big Check into your home next week!

Good Luck!

Lucky Windfall
The PCH Big Check

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  1. Certainly I have a great respect for the PCH team, always smiling faces; who does not like such a marvelous team, hopefully If I get a chance of meeting, I would be most grateful and happy to welcome ?

  2. DO I want to meet u? I keep cleaning my house… trying different looks with clothes and make up lol and not parking in my own driveway… I have been driving everyone crazy telling everyone that the Prize Patrol’s gonna be here anytime now! I have never been so excited to have company EVER! I love u guys come see me August 31st!!! I need my driveway back LOL… I’m in it to win it! You’re welcome here anytime!!