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Beware of PCH Scams on Facebook and Instagram!

Greetings, fans and friends! As I go through your comments on the PCHblog each week, checking out what fans and friends like you have to say about our posts, I often come across comments like these: “Someone sent me a friend request on Facebook saying she was Danielle from the PCH Prize Patrol. Is this real […]

PCH Winner Gets A BIG CHECK Delivery In Jersey City From The PCH Prize Patrol!

What’s better than celebrating the start of a new year? Finding out that you just won $20,000! For Christina Beaufort of Jersey City, New Jersey, that’s exactly what happened.  Her New Year kicked off with a BIG CHECK delivery from the PCH Prize Patrol! Prize Patrol elite member Danielle Lam arrived at Christina’s apartment early […]

Would you Spend or Save $5,000 A Week “Forever” (or both!)?

Hello, PCH friends! I sure hope you’ve been making it a point to enter every day at to win the $5,000 A Week “Forever” Prize!!! (If you haven’t done it today, do it now.) With the February award day quickly approaching, we here at PCH are curious to know how you would handle your winnings […]

Cash Prize Seeking Love For Valentine’s Day! Interested?

It could be true love on Valentine’s Day for you and our $1,000.00 Cash Prize — but if you’re interested, there’s no time to waste! You see, from now until 2/13, your first play of the day at PCHgames and PCHslots gets you entered to Win $1,000.00 Guaranteed To Be Awarded on 2/14 (PCH Gwy. #9501) […]

What Would You Do With A $5,000 A Week “Forever” SuperPrize?

WHAT ORDER WOULD YOU SPEND THE CASH? PCH is extremely excited to soon be awarding an incredible Legacy SuperPrize ® —one that pays out for TWO LIFETIMES—starting on February 24th! That’s right, in just weeks, there is definitely going to be a $5,000 A Week “Forever” SuperPrize winner—that’s $5,000 every week for the winner’s life, and […]

5 Vacations Under $5,000 If You Win $5,000 A Week “Forever”

These days, more and more families are taking “staycations” instead of vacations. Most of the time, families are making decisions like this because their finances just don’t allow them to spend a substantial amount on their vacations. But, what if you weren’t limited by your income? What if you won Publishers Clearing House’s $5,000 a […]