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$2,500.00 A Week For Life would mean ________ for me

How would YOU fill in the __, my friends? What answer comes to mind first? With less than two weeks until our Prize Patrol delivers PCH’s guaranteed $2,500.00 A Week For Life Prize on December 30th, it’s time to stay focused on what winning would mean to you so you’ll keep entering every day to WIN!

Would $2,5000.00 A Week For Life mean FINANCIAL SECURITY For You?

It would for just about anyone! You’d have $130,000.00 rolling in every year for as long as you live, plenty of money to pay bills, help others, save, invest — and just enjoy yourself! Keep all that in mind while sending us your entries every day.

Would winning the imminent Lifetime Prize mean PEACE OF MIND For You?

Do you worry about paying medical bills, the rent, utility bills or insurance bills? You might even be losing sleep over how you’ll provide for yourself or your family. All those concerns would be replaced by peace of mind if one of your entries wins $2,500.00 A Week For Life on December 30th, courtesy of our friendly PCH Prize Patrol.

Maybe HELPING YOUR FAMILY is the #1 thing winning would mean to you.

With a guaranteed $130,000.00 “salary” every year for the rest of your life, you could put your money worries aside and concentrate on finally enjoying life. You could travel to all the places you’ve dreamed of, enjoy amazing family vacations, renovate your home, buy a new wardrobe, take tennis lessons, put in a pool – all the fun stuff!

So fill in the blank: $2,5000.00 A Week For Life would mean __ for me.

Please share your answer in the Comments section below. And keep repeating your personal “___” to yourself, to stay focused and motivated to enter every way and every day you can.

Keep an eye out for the PCH Prize Patrol, my friends!

Marybeth @ Publishers Clearing House

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  1. Yes the family comes first! I worry about almost everything you mentioned, although I am trying hard to having more faith in what God has in store. But with the latest problems that have arisen from our everything being taken, I do need to be able to over what I know, is gone and what I don’t know yet. Then my obligations to others. It was all taken care of, but I just feel so much better knowing I may be able to cover everything, thanks to PCH Sweepstakes! Sheri

  2. First I would thank God for allowing me and my family to win. I thank God for PCH. I want to help my church family because I love people. My brother needs a car, my sister need her car fixed. Just want to be a blessing to someone else , I’m not working now because I had surgery on my foot, it would be a blessing for me right now. It would help me to pay my hospital bill and Doctors office appointment. Thank you if you would find it in your heart allow me God Blessed.

  3. Winning would mean everything to me and my family.My wife is pregnant and we could use the money.We don’t have a house on our own we only have a bedroom wear living with my mom GOD bless her but she’s getting old I should be caring for her.She Lost her Husband and my stepdad two years ago.and we lost my only brother a year ago to heart failure. We have raoches and our plumbing doesn’t work in our bathtub to drain.I have a part time job at Carl 93230. And we we are on welfare thank God ? for welfare. So winning would be a total Blessings . I never owned a house in my whole life wouldn’t mind being able to take care of my family without worrying about money.