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How Would $1 Million PLUS $1,000 A Week For Life Change Your Life? Here’s 10 Ways How!

How Would $1 Million PLUS $1,000 A Week For Life Change Your Life? Here’s 10 Ways How!

How many of you have ever sat there, surrounded by a pile of bills or in sight of something new that you’ve wanted and thought “man, I wish I had some extra cash right now.” Let me tell you, fans, I’ve been there more than once. Life can get pretty expensive at times and we’ve […]

What Would You Spend A Cool ONE MILLION Dollars On?

What Would You Spend A Cool ONE MILLION Dollars On?

Listen up fans. Our next BIG SUPERPRIZE is just weeks away and here at PCH we’re so excited to make ANOTHER loyal fan a millionaire!  Imagine the Prize Patrol showing up at your door with a big check in hand? Well, on June 29th that dream could become a reality because we’ll be awarding $1,000,000.00 […]