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The PCH Big Check Is Getting Ready For Prize Day!

The PCH Big Check Is Getting Ready For Prize Day!

Hey Blog Readers, it’s me, your pal Lucky, the PCH Big Check here and, as you can see, I’ve been working hard flexing my border and crunching my numbers to get ready for the big $1,000.00 A Day For Life Special Early Look Prize Event on October 25th! Can you believe Prize Day is less […]

Prize Day Is Tomorrow. ARE YOU READY TO WIN?

It’s nearly here! In fact, Prize Day is happening TOMORROW! It’s an exciting time around our headquarters, because we’re all dying to find out where the Prize Patrol is going to go … and what the winner’s reaction will be on Pay Day! But what about you? What are you thinking about tomorrow? As Matt […]

Behind the Scenes as PCH Awards $5,000.00 A Week “Forever”

Behind the Scenes as PCH Awards $5,000.00 A Week “Forever”

Greetings, fans and friends, Today is not just any day … or any Thursday, for that matter …  Drumroll, please … It’s PCH Pay Day!  That’s right, today, February 28, 2019, is not only the day we award a super-lucky-someone our $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” SuperPrize – $5,000.00 each week for the winner’s life, followed […]

It’s Almost PCH Pay Day — The Winningest Day Of The Year (So Far)! 

It’s Almost PCH Pay Day — The Winningest Day Of The Year (So Far)! 

Hey there, friends and fans! I don’t know if you feel it by you, but here at PCH, there’s a supercharge in the air, because we’re revving up to award our next $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” Prize Winner on February 28th, PCH Pay Day! And it’s looking up to be the Winningest Day of 2019! […]